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Artist Introduction
As a very young girl, I laid eyes on my grandmother's, who loved travelling so much, dolls, bought and gathered at travel destinations all over the world, were displayed in the glass cases at her house . When I was a youg girl, I was full of energy and a tom-boy maybe because I was around only brothers. I was playing outside until it became dark and I was a stranger to dolls at all.
When I entered Junior High School, I got a glass tableware set with pretty strawberries from an aunt who was a rose lover.
My inner girl's part was awaken by prettiness of that glass tableware set with strawberries. My aunt loved dolls and that must be from my grandmother. I thought there was only a doll at my home, which was Rika but I only did not know I was always around of a lot of dolls.
When my early adulthood leached, I met a bisque doll and soon I was making Bisque Dolls. I became bot doll lover and rose lover, which was obviously influences from my grandmother and aunt. I bought a bisque doll that was from United Kingdom, and of course it was a hand made, soon after I began to make dolls. It was quite expensive for me but I absolutely had to have it.
Every time I see this pretty doll, I feel happy and I say to myself, "That was a right dicision!". I hope my dolls become one letting you feel happy as I am feeling and look at many times as I am doing. I hope my dools become your treasure as my 1st bisque doll.
I am making my dolls with all my herat, from the bottom of my heart for you. If my dools made you feel happy and my love of bisque dolls... Then I am happy.
Bisque Doll Creater, Yukiko Tomino

When I met Yukiko about 20 years ago, I thought she was still like "a girl" and I did not even know about her bisque dolls. ...but we all have kids in our hearts, don't we? Yet, I was wondering how and why she loved bisque dolls and she could create such beautiful dolls... I understood it when I met her bisque dolls for the first time. That is because she has a pure heart as a girl. Yasuno Ito
Clock Master, Takuro Naruse
